
Shared from Youtube, if I need to state that to be on the up and up and all that.

So there are some days where no matter what your mind is a blur and you just need to escape it somehow.

Just got home from pre-op with my 12 year old. She is going in to have her scoliosis corrected. They will be putting in titanium rods and fusing a good part of her spine after they straighten out her ribcage.

I have known about this surgery for a very long time. It was scheduled for 6 months ago but she was not healthy enough to proceed at that time. She had her native kidney get infected and months of antibiotics that eventually led to surgery.

Anyhow after this day, I still had to meet up with her teacher and have a little school. See hospital homebound is a great program with little funding. If students miss days they lose funding, when a child misses on certain weeks it makes bigger impacts and this was one of those weeks. So we rushed to get in a little school and just now it’s 5 in the evening and I am quite thankful I threw dinner in the crockpot this morning.

I have several things I should be doing right now but quite frankly I am in my room, with my door shut and the music blasting as loud as my half broken sound system will go.

When my mind gets this stressy as I call it there are a few things I can do and one of the first ones is always blasting something that will bring me to a different time, a different place a mindset that was free and simple, no real responsibilities, no real people actually counting on me for anything.

The time and place right now in my mind is a much simple fun time, back of Lorenzo’s alley way on 249th and Union, hanging out sipping beers and blasting music, my first introduction to teenage life, my now I am old enough and cool enough to stand in a street alley, freezing my butt off killing myself with smoking and drinking and thinking there is nothing better than this. My life free and simple.

Blasting music from this time of my life is so easy for me, so familiar and yet so so far away. 25 years since I lived in NY 25 years since I really had friends, people to hang around with people who believed in me and trusted me. My childhood, teen neighborhood friends, school friends and all that.

In the years since, I have been married twice have 3 children and have surely had my ups and downs over these years .I would not trade them for anything as I love my children more than I could ever imagine an emotion even existed for, but today I just want to hide blast some Zeppelin or the Ramones and ignore the real life that exists on the other side of my door.


So who watched Glee?

When my daughter said to me Mom, let’s watch Glee I was kind of like eww, why. Then she said come on Mom you love musicals and whenever shows have singing episodes you love them. So I agreed that she may have a point. I or I should say we were in the mid to end of Season 2 of Charmed, which I am loving by the way. We can talk about charmed another time, see I have seen many episodes way past where I actually am but I am trying to watch straight through.

Glee surprised me. I was a little shocked at the immaturity of the teachers , come to find out that is some pretty funny stuff shoved in the middle of all that high school drama. The singing is mostly enjoyable they have some talents and they touch upon all kind of things that could and do come up in high school.

Coach Sue, she is a hot mess the things that come flying out of her mouth never surprise me anymore, as anything goes with her. Her relationship with Becky(whom has Down’s Syndrome) is sweet and funny , you can tell always under her meanness she cares. She has turned Becky into a mini her and Becky pulls of the feistiness in an adorable way.

The Glee teacher, Will Schuester starts of the show in a loveless marriage and is in love with the guidance counselor. He fights for the kids and over all he proves to be a pretty decent guy, although a bit immature would be part of his description.

Over time you do find yourself routing for certain characters, watching the kids come out of their shells and become people who actually stand for sometime. They believe in themselves and that allows them to shine.

Some of the singing is outstanding and others is just like where is the GONG! Sometimes I would find myself singing right along and sometimes I am like I think we need to fast forward a few minutes before I throw some tomatoes at my TV, and well that is just messy and gross so thank goodness for fast forward.

When one of the main characters died in real life they had to add it to the show. They did a fabulous job adding it and not ever saying what really happened. Although you wondered a bit they have his brother say something along the lines of What difference does it make how he died that was only a moment in his life, isn’t it more important how he lived. At first I was like really they are not going to make up some story, but in the end I guess I feel like that was a pretty good way to handle it.

I like how they brought broadway, rock,disco and pop together in ways that I would probably never think of. Over all if you have kids in the high school or younger age and they like music they will probably enjoy this show. Like I said earlier if you can get past the immaturity of the whole show you can get down to the humor in it and it is worth the watch.


The Doobie Brothers/Journey Concert

Last night my sister took me and my daughter(her first real concert) to see the Doobie Brothers and Journey. I will have to say this was one of the best concerts I have attended. In my younger years, I went to so many concerts, rock festivals and all that. Now that I am older I don’t have the opportunity to go as much and finances rarely allow.

My daughter is medically complicated. Last Saturday she went to the emergency room and wound up in the hospital for a week. On Wednesday she asked her doctor will I be home by Friday he said well I would like to keep you on the correct IV meds until Saturday. So I asked him Doc, any chance she can have a few hour furlough on Friday night we have tickets to a rock concert. He said No No No, I will get you out by Noon on Friday so you can go home and do your hair and makeup. It totally made our day.

I was concerned that she would not be feeling up to it. Life has a funny way of turning around. We fight her health issues on a daily basis and just when we think we won’t be able to go somewhere , it turns around and we get to have a great time. I guess with the downs must come the ups and I am truly thankful for that.

The show started with The Doobie Brothers. It was brutally hot out and we were afraid it was going to be horrible but five minutes in came the breeze and from then on out it got better and better. The Amphitheater was packed and the crowd was mixed with young and older crowd so we all fit in. I will admit I thought I knew more songs from the Doobie Brothers than I did but each one sounded amazing even the ones I never heard before.

When Journey took the stage the crowd went insane. The look on my daughters’s face was priceless. She jumped out of her seat right along with all the more seasoned concert goers and the show just got better and better.

The lead singer that has replaced Steve Perry, I forget his name he was amazing. If you shut your eyes you would not have a clue it was not Steve Perry. They all put on a great show, filled with great music and energy.

Pretty amazing to go from eating breakfast in the hospital to rocking out in the Amp!